On photographic paper, it looks like this:

So as you can see we made a wise decision; and @ 7am on Friday morning we set out on a 3 day (2 night) hike , equipped with the following:
- A "youth" tent from Wal Mart (measuring 5' x 6'), which as you might expect is too small for any non-midget
- Two fleece sleeping bags
- Two bags of trail mix, a half pound of steak, 200 oz. of water, water purification tabs, 8 kudos bars that we acquired from stealing children's lunches from a school bus, a gallon of red quinoa, 4 salmon cups, and 6 snickers bars (save the best for last)
*not to be confused with the manufacturer of delicious frozen pizzas
We continued throughout the day, periodically stopping at one of the man incredible vistas to take in the true brilliance of the Na Pali coastline. In front of us an endlessly vast ocean, to the left and right were the silhouettes of nearly vertical mountains; all together it was a vibrant contrast of reds, greens & blues (I'm pretty sure those are the primary colors) that is unparalleled on this planet. And somehow, we made it to the end.
The trail ends in this, worth every step of the 11 mile trek. You can go no further, not that you'd really want to. Many people make it this far and decide not to return. They plant a garden, get rid of their clothes and work on their tan...needless to say, a simpler lifestyle than most.