Sunday, December 23, 2007

What can we say about Cordoba?

the answer...not much. But alas, it was a destination on our journey which is the only requirement for a post on this blog.

(Some Fountain)

However, underneath the blanket of litter, melted ice cream, and dog feces, lies a beautiful city, full of culture and rich with history. Our room, located in the center of town, had a balcony that overlooked one of the busiest shopping areas in town...which meant we didn't have to go far to explore. In fact, with our birds eye view, we spent hours just observing Argentinian culture. And here's what we found:

  • Argentines must have seen the movie "children of men," because they are having children like they are going extinct. Babies having babies man.
  • Once you have some babies, take them everywhere with you, a pub, and 11pm. This also explains the suffering babysitting industry.
  • Smoke delicious Lucky Strike cigarettes and Eat Meat!
  • Shopping is more important than just about anything, except for looking good.

    (Our View)

1 comment:

Dan Parker-King said...

sounds like a place digger and I could settle down and start a family.