Before arriving in Bangkok many people told me you either love it or hate it, plain and simple. Well, as we come to an end on our third day here, all I can think about is getting the hell out! Although Bangkok is known to have some of the most amazing temples and Buddha statues in the world, the feeling of peace and serenity are no where to be found among the honking horns and swindling street vendors. Amidst all the beauty spread throughout the city, you are constantly berated with scam artists, street vendors, and enough smog to liken your lungs to those of a 20 year smoker's.
Now, I don't want to be too hasty in my overt judgement of this powerhouse city, in our short time there we were able to experience some of the best it has to offer. It didn't even take one day before my senses were enticed and I found myself entranced by the best 2 1/2 hour massage of my life (sorry all- no happy ending to speak of here). In addition to this near nirvana experience, we have stuffed our stomachs with more Thai food than is healthy in such a short period of time.
But alas, we sit here on a bus heading out of town, north to Chiang Mai. We are nothing short of ecstatic to be getting out of the city and off to a place where the enlightenment can commence. After sitting through a grueling 2 hours of traffic just to get to the bus terminal, we are both in utter dismay as to why anyone would attempt to drive in such a permanently gridlocked city. Bangkok offers an above ground train, the acclaimed Sky Train, which can whisk you away to many popular areas around the city, but not actually into the heart itself. Aside from this, your other modes of transportation are cab (which goes back to the gridlock I mentioned above), the Thailand tuk-tuk, or huffing it on foot (which, to be honest, isn't a very doable option).
Don't let the afore mentioned issues put you off entirely, there is a great deal of culture to be seen and smelled lying inside the city walls. As you walk down the street your senses are constantly challenged by new, sometimes foul, smells. Foods you've never seen or imagined line the walls and hang off the carts, just waiting to be plucked up by a passing pedestrian. All the while, the most interesting noises are serenading your stroll and causing your head to turn in all directions. This adventure is often times interrupted by street vendors shoving everything from the latest Louis Vuitton knockoff bag to frog noise makers in your face. This is a city that survives on selling tourists everything they don't need and then sending them down the street with a smiling man who will scam you out of the last 50 baht left in your pocket (which equals about $1.25 US).

(This guy gladly leaves Thailand without a dime to his name, already planning his next trip back to see his "girlfriend")
Oh Blake. No need to lie. Lauren would most likely WANT you to get a full service massage at the infamous "frip houses" that are probably more abundant than Dunkin Donuts on every corner throughout Manhattan.
And just to clarify...
"frip house" (phr-ipp howss) - when an little woman of asian decent is working at a place of business that embarks upon phrases such as "FRIP OVER" at the end of the non-sensual massage; client then turns over on to his/her back to complete the "experience"
I'm truly saddened Blake, I thought for sure that you would like any city with kok in it.
Dear Lauren & Blake,
I've fallen behind in reading about your fabulous adventures. The photos of the Falls in Argentina are inspiring - we're hoping to go there on our trip with Vocal Arts this summer.
I also plan to take lots of antibiotics to Argentina after reading about your trip to the Mendoza region!
Nicky was on skis in Tahoe during our family vacation. He even went up on the bunny hill chair lift with Jeff. He's way ahead of me.
Hope your trip continues to be as thrilling as you've made it seem so far -
Thank you Matt, for that perfectly censored comment. And Cindy, you obviously don't know Lauren that well if you think she'd go for that...some friend. But you both should know that we are returning to Bangkok shortly (to fly home), and all bets are off.
Blake, go for it. I only hope you were smart enough to the the STD shot before leaving the states....you're on your after that.
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